Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme 2019 – Call for proposals is open // Deadline 12 June 2019

world-1303628_640The EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission) has launched the Call for proposals of the Intra-African Mobility Scheme 2019. The full text has been published in the Official Journal (C2019/091/02) and it is accesible in 23 languages here.
This specific scheme promotes the intra-African collaboration, as called for by Agenda 2063, with the objective to foster and enhance the human capital development in Africa. This objective is divided into specific sub-objectives as:
_/ increasing the employability of students;
_/improving the quality of higher education in Africa and its relevance to Africa’s development vision;
_/strengthening the modernisation and internationalisation of African higher education institutions;
_/promote the development of an African higher education and research space.
Within the scheme different types of actions can be implemented, such as mobility of students and staff between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs),  to  help them acquire stronger knowledge and skills and contribute to improve the quality and relevance of teaching and learning, to strengthen the modernisation and internationalisation strategies of HEIs through the establishment of mechanisms to manage the mobility flows, to undertake joint collaboration and research, and other possible outcomes that could derivate.
It is possible to consult the details on eligible applicants and partnership composition, awrads criteria, eligible activities and duration on the website of EACEA.
The deadline is the 12th June 2019 at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time

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