à résumé pour la conférence CMTDE 2013: La 4ème Conférence du Maghreb sur le
Dessalement et le Traitement de l'Eau aura lieu à Hammamet en Tunisie du 15 au
18 décembre 2013. Date limite des résumés: 30 juin 2013.
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Instructions to authors :
Please submit papers electronically to
Presentation : Pages should be numbered consecutively. The full
title of the paper should be followed by the full name of all authors, the
names and addresses of their institutions, telephones, faxes and email
Either incorporate the figures into the text or indicate their place in the text. Figures should be clear and the lettering legible and proportional to the size of the figure so that reduction is possible if necessary.
Figures will appear in color online and in the final PDF once the paper has been accepted. However, if you wish them to appear in color in print, there will be a charge. Otherwise they will appear in black and white. Please make sure to supply a high resolution copy also in black and white. Figures, photos, illustrations and graphs should be referred to in the text as figures and numbered consecutively throughout the paper by Arabic numerals.
Abstract and keywords: An abstract of about 200 words should be included and appropriate keywords listed.
References: References must be identified by Arabic numerals (e.g. 1, 2 etc.), numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (between square brackets) and listed at the end of paper.
For example: Articles in journals: J.D. Jacobson, M.D. Kennedy, G. Amy and J.C. Schippers, Phosphate limitation in reverse osmosis: An option to control biofouling?, Desal. Wat. Treat., 5 (2009) 198�206. Please make sure to include titles of articles. Chapters in books: M. Mickley, In: M. Wilf, Guidebook to Membrane Desalination Technology, Balaban Desalination Publications, L'Aquila 2007, pp. 375�389. Books: R. Sheikholeslami, Fouling of Membrane and Thermal Units. A Unified Approach to its Principles, Assessment, Control, and Mitigation, Balaban Desalination Publications, L'Aquila, 2007.
To ensure that papers receive proper citations in the Web of Science please make sure you cite relevant papers appearing in Desalination and Water Treatment or all abstracts are free of charge to view). When citing a paper appearing in a proceedings volume, make sure you refer to the journal (not to the proceedings). This is significant for the impact factor of the journal and for your own papers as well.
Tables should be cited in numerical order in the text using Arabic numbers. The table headings should be as follows: Table 1, 2, 3. Each table should have a descriptive title.
List of symbols: A list of symbols is required if equations are used.
We are pleased to receive papers from all regions of the world where English is not the native language. Please ensure that your paper is well presented in logic and good English. If necessary, please have your paper edited by a colleague who is a native speaker before you submit it.
A clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus help in the peer review process. If required, a list of professional language editing services can be found on the Taylor & Francis Author Services website at:
The printing of the booklet containing all the conference abstracts and papers will be by direct reproduction of texts provided by the authors without any modification. As a result, authors are required to provide a summary of a A4 page with:
- Margins of 2.5 cm on each side.
- The title in uppercase (centered, Times 14, bold, spacing 1).
- The authors' names (centered, Times 12, spaced 1) the name of communicating said.
- Text (justified, Times 12, 1.5 line spacing).
Items whose length exceeds a page, not according to the instructions written or received after the closing date will not be included in the abstract book.
The display communications Posters will be on panels of 90 cm width and 120 cm in height.
Source Tda
Please submit papers electronically to
Presentation : Pages should be numbered consecutively. The full
title of the paper should be followed by the full name of all authors, the
names and addresses of their institutions, telephones, faxes and email

- Margins of 2.5 cm on each side.
- The title in uppercase (centered, Times 14, bold, spacing 1).
- The authors' names (centered, Times 12, spaced 1) the name of communicating said.
- Text (justified, Times 12, 1.5 line spacing).
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