SWEEP-Net has been ratified as a Regional Intergovernmental Organization by the Tunisian Parliament: An Important milestone has been achieved

On June 2, 2015, the Tunisian National Assembly has voted 135 votes in favor (5 against and 7 abstentions), the Organic Law No. 25/2014 on the ratification of the charter establishing and organizing the Regional Exchange of Information and Expertise Network in the sector of waste management "SWEEP-Net".

This ratification follows the signature of the founding statutes of the regional organization SWEEP-Net by 5 countries in the region (Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia and Yemen) The ratification by Yemen and Tunisia opens the door to the creation of the intergovernmental organization SWEEP-Net.

SWEEP-Net, the network for exchange of information and expertise in the solid waste sector in the Maghreb and Mashreq is currently a project funded by the German Foreign Ministry (BMZ) through the Agency German International Cooperation (GIZ) and ANGed (National Agency for Waste Management).

This network works since 2010 to anchor the principles of integrated waste management in 9 countries of the MENA region, namely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen. SWEEP-Net particular promotes South-South cooperation and North-South by implementing various activities aimed at:
  • Stimulate and facilitate the creation and dissemination of knowledge, expertise and relevant experiences on the theme waste in the region;
  • Facilitate awareness, support and capacity building to network members;
  • Promote good practice, networking and experience success in the region.
A key objective of the SWEEP-Net project is also to ensure the sustainability of the network by providing the legal status of regional organization.
It's done! Mabrouk!

By Sweep

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